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Official Website of  Peter Burgess

The First Ashore

The Stories of our First Anzacs

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This book remembers and honours the small group of Queensland's 9th Battalion Anzacs who were the first to land at Gallipoli on 25th April, 1915. 

For World War 1 Diggers, the identity of 'the first ashore' was a serious, and sometimes contentious matter, of battalion and unit pride. 

Today, these 'Original' Anzacs remain a significant part of our Anzac Legend. 

Through their life stories, the war experiences of ordinary Australians are intimately revealed.

My Story

My interest in the Gallipoli Campaign began as a small boy listening to family stories about my Grandfather, an 'Original' 9th Battalion Anzac who landed with the first wave. Although Private Syd Davies' claim that he was one of the first ashore remains unproven, his stories inspired my research and an engrossing project evolved.  Much of the last six years has been spent identifying and recording the  war experiences of  the 'first ashore'.

My work life has been spent mainly in education.  After graduating from the University of Queensland, I worked as a  high school teacher  in country Queensland.  Later, a  rewarding career of almost two decades was established as a literacy teacher in Queensland's correctional centres.

Three of the 26 ANZACS identified in 'the First Ashore'

Lieutenant Duncan Chapman

Private James (Jim) Bostock

Private Fred Fox 

(later Captain)

My Books

As somebody who has a particular interest in the history of The First Ashore at Gallipoli on the 25th April 1915, this book is the most definitive work that I have had the pleasure of reading.  Peter's research has filled in a lot of the gaps and he is to be commended for his efforts


Director of Maryborough Military & Colonial Museum

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